2018 was a huge year of growth for me, a year of reflection, a year of being true to myself and a year of developing a photographic style that I am truly proud of. In numerology, the number 2018 has an energy of being limitless, and I think that there is something in that we can all take away; to be forever challenging ourselves, striving to be a better version of ourselves and to always raise the bar, to be truly limitless.

I’ve never been one to enter competitions or seek out approval for my own work, however I have been doing such a lot of soul searching this past year or so and really looking at what photographic style really makes my heart sing that I took the plunge mid way through last year and entered the internationally recognised photographic competition - The Portrait Masters. This was a huge leap for me but I think it’s actually been really great experience. It has shown me that as a photographer I should always strive to push myself and to better my work, to take risks, trust in my own judgement and to just have a go. It’s also been a fantastic experience to have my work judged by some of the most celebrated and talented Master Photographers in the world and to have my work receive awards.

I am incredibly proud to say that I won Bronze and Silver awards for the images I submitted last year, and Bronze awards for images this year - the images below are my my recent entries.